Common Symptoms & Complaints of
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD)
Narrow palate or smile
Gummy smile
Long Face
Flatter facial features
Small lower jaw or 'no chin'
Droopy eyes
Low facial muscle tone
Short upper lip
Deviated septum or crooked nose
Bump on the bridge of the nose
Dark circles under the eyes
Symptoms of Tongue Tie
Trouble breastfeeding - Poor / shallow latch and painful for mother
Poor Suck-Swallow-Breathe coordination
May aspirate milk into lungs (worst cases)
Infant reflux
Trouble gaining weight
Mouth Breathing / Open Mouth Posture
Symptoms of Tongue Tie
Difficult speech articulation or speech delay
Chewing and /or swallowing issues - messy eater
Picky eater, gags easily, oral aversions
Mouth breathing / open mouth posture
Sleep Apnea / Snoring
Teeth Grinding​
Forward head posture
Symptoms of Tongue Tie
Sleep Apnea
Clenching and grinding teeth
Jaw pain, TMD, facial pain
Chronic headaches, migraines
Neck / shoulder pain and tension
Forward head posture
Speech Impairment - Fatigue
Mouth Breathing / Open Mouth Posture